My blog is up!

Photo by Jesus Kiteque on Unsplash

I’ve always heard that the first post is the hardest – so here it is. After 4 years of saying “I should start a blog” and “I’ll do that sometime”, I’ve made the commitment. Now it’s up to you, Internet, to hold me accountable.

I don’t intend for this to be a blog so much as a project log of the things I’m working on – a plog if you will (nope, don’t like that). Hopefully, it will become a portfolio of sorts – assuming I can finish any of the many things I’ve started. The goal is to learn from the community and document what I’m doing so that it’s easy to reference back to. Maybe this will keep me motivated to see something to completion.

There’s no strict posting schedule. If there’s something to report each week, you can be sure that I will proudly show off my accomplishments to strangers on the internet who care to know. But let’s treat this more as a leisurely stroll, good?

I’ve got lists nested in lists, an indexed Project Folder of stuff I’d like to do/build/experience, a notebook brimming with my unorganized thoughts, and an array of sticky notes on my wall that looks like a Picasso painting of an 80’s dance party. Most importantly though, this is one thing that I can cross off my list. Thank you for letting me contribute my part to the internet.

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